This series of works focus into the realm of memory. Human memory, especially those connected to painful emotions, is inherently unstable and even deceptive. As time passes, memories gradually melted into vague impressions, with the contours gradually blurring and turning into fragmented patterns entwined amidst vast stretches of meaningless blanks. Yet, memory remains one of the most crucial aspects of an individual. Therefore, I try to capture these images, to depict these intricate yet precious fragments.
Shengyang Zhang, born in China, is currently studying Global Art Practice at Tokyo University of the Arts. Her works are mainly in the form of drawings and ceramics, resulting in a portrayal of a fantastical and disorderly world.Shengyang visualizes past experiences and emotions as figurative worlds, incorporating elements of mythology and folk art. Her focus lies on individuals marginalized by society, symbolizing trauma through "unattractive images," with the aim of empowering others who have undergone similar experiences to confront their inner selves.
2020年 Todd Hessert Men's Spring 2020 @Paris Fashion Week / パリ
2021年 "Crossing the crowd”, @Shimao International Plaza/ 上海
2021年 School of Visual Arts Junior Thesis Show @Chelsea Gallery/ ニューヨーク
2022年 Society of Illustration Competition Online Show
2022年 School of Visual Art MFA Graduation show, @Chelsea Gallery / ニューヨーク